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Price and Payment


As currently, I am working for my own workshop, which is undergoing registration process. If you are willing to use my services during this period, please make the payment through PayPal to my personal account. For clients who have no PayPal account, please make the payment by T/T.


I understand you may worry about some risk might arise. So you can transfer the payment only when you make sure I have done the service for you. My service charge breaks down as follows:

Marketing communication


Price depends on your exact requirement. 40% of the total charge shall be paid upon receipt of the first copy and the balance shall be made within 3 days upon receipt of the final copy.



Translation service


In general, my translation rate is $0.03 per source word from English to Chinese, and $0.035 per source word from Chinese to English. The price is open to negotiation for long-term clients.  The payment shall be made upon receipt of the first edition of the translated text.

Publicity outsourcing


Price and payment method is negotiable.

Information providing


As for Chinese manufacturers information providing service, of which, the charge is free unless you agree on a transaction with the manufacturer I provided. Once your purchase order is issued, you need to pay a certain amount of commission for my service. The commission is based on the total amount stated in the purchase order. The exact amount of commission is negociated by both of us till a common agreement comes out.


Another charge option: For each sourcing requirement, it will be charged $30 for a report with  5 quotations of the required product.


As for the business intelligence, it is a kind of information product, so the payment of it shall be made by PayPal or T/T prior to receipt of the product (i.e. market report, Import/Export analysis, market data).


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