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Chinese manufacturers information

Overseas buyers usually find Chinese suppliers through such channels as B2B websites, trade shows, sourcing agents, production corridors, shipping data, etc. These approaches probably can work out. However, each approach takes you a lot of time. Searching manufacturers information on B2B websites, for example, where are always overwhelmed by myriad information every day, thus you are difficult to determine what information is reliable. With my service, you can afford less time, energy, and money consumption.


Over the past years, I’ve had abundant information sources of Chinese manufacturers. Most of them are frequent exhibitors of leading trade shows (e.g. Canton Fair). They are also from several production corridors in China.


The featured industries include:

  • home decorations

  • gifts

  • furniture

  • lighting

  • hard ware

  • bathroom ware

  • kitchen ware

  • fuel

  • apparel

  • textile

  • home appliances

  • consumer electronics

  • etc.


As per your requirement, I can provide contact information of the relevant manufacturers and assist you to communicate with them till you agree on a transaction.


Chinese manufacturers

The information I provided is free unless you exactly made a successful transaction with the manufacturer. Once you place an order with the manufacturer, a commission will be charged at certain percent of the order amount.


Another charge option: For each sourcing requirement, it will be charged $30 for a report with  5 quotations of the required product.

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