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Business intelligence

Cooperating with leading market research and consulting companies, which specialize in market research in China, Asia-Pacific Rim and global market, BLC can offer you the latest business intelligence at favorable price. This intelligence is based on four industry segments in China, namely chemicals, agriculture, food, and energy. Variety of information as follows:


Market research report

Comprehensive and in-depth market reports reveal historical production data, import and export data, updated development status, predictive trend, and other valuable intelligence, giving you a complete outlook of related industry or product in Chinese market.


Import and Export analysis

Based on data sourced from the China Customs, import and export analysis identifies and maps the internal relation between products, manufacturers, traders and buyers. You can get a snap shot report on the target product or a detailed report containing raw data sourced from the China Customs, or pick-up data summarized by professional data analysts.


Market data

Market data features various aspects of market indexes, including cost of raw materials and intermediates, manufacturers capacity and output, export price, volume and export destination of target products, price monitoring on ex-works price, price forecast of future trend, and consumption volume of target product in direct market, intermediate market and end market, etc.



For more information about the latest business intelligence, please check it out on Blog sector. If you are interested in any market research report, import and export analysis or market data, please feel free to contact me.


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